Kids Ministry

Explore the ministry opportunities for your children at NapNaz

Sunday Mornings

The kids are taught stories of the Bible in the ways that Jesus using objects to help them understand. Games, songs, and other activities help bring the stories to life and give kids a greater understanding of who God is and how much He loves each one of them!

Get connected this Sunday! 

Each week, kids meet in the Faith Factory to experience Sunday School during the 9:00 Worship Service in the following classes:


2 year olds meet in the Toddler Room (main building)


3 year-olds meet in the Blue Room


4 year-olds meet in the Orange Room


5 year-olds - kindergarten meet in the White Room

1st & 2nd Grade

meet in the Red Room

3rd & 4th Grade

meet in Room 303A

Children's Sunday School

Children gather on Sunday mornings at 10:30am for the BEST hour of their week! They can connect with friends, learn amazing stories about God and Jesus, and sing awesome songs to praise Him. Join us this week! You'll be glad you did!


2 year olds meet in the Toddler Room (main building)


3 year-olds meet in the Blue Room


4 year-olds meet in the Orange Room


5 year-kindergarten meet in the White Room


1st-4th Grade meet in the Red Room


Our Wednesday night programs for Children runs from September through April. Come and join your friends as we explore favorite Bible stories through games, crafts, songs, and activities. It's a night filled with fun and energy. It may just become your favorite night of the week! Come and check us out!


3-4 year-olds meet in the Blue Room


5 year-kindergarten meet in the Orange Room


1st-4th Grade meet in the Red Room


Our mission is to provide a safe and loving place for our littlest ones to learn about God's love. Nursery is offered during both services on Sunday mornings for birth-2 years old. Once your child turns three years old, they can attend children's classes. Please contact the church office at if you would like more info about the nursery or if you would like to know about volunteer opportunities.

Nursery Director: Taylor Rogers

Partner With Parents

Children are very important to us here at NapNaz. It is our desire to partner with parents to build a strong spiritual foundation for their children. Through a variety of classes and activities, we give children the opportunity to come to know God and His Son, Jesus, personally and develop a life-long relationship with them. We help children learn these spiritual truths through a variety of activities. Learning about God is a wonderful, fun, life-changing adventure! Here at NapNaz, our desire is for your kids...

To Trust God Totally

We want our children to see how strong and big and faithful and loving our God is. We want to help them recognize how He is working in their lives everyday. 

To Love Others Fully

The Bible is filled with stories about how God has loved and blessed His people. Sharing these stories with our kids helps them understand these stories and learn how God wants them to live as His disciples. This means loving one another and making good choices. 

To Know Jesus Personally

God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us. We want to share the love of God with our children and teach them how to become children of God.